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Veterinary Nurse Practitioners? What's the Deal?

Oct 16, 2024
Vet Tech Theater

Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants are human healthcare professionals who can provide diagnosis, prognosis, and, in some cases, surgery. There are no such professionals in veterinary medicine, at least not yet. Various parties in the veterinary field have been discussing the creation of a veterinary version. There are different kinds of interests at play. We will discuss the multitude of opinions and perspectives surrounding this topic.

  • Describe the roles of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in human medicine
  • Describe what an advanced practitioner in veterinary medicine could look like
  • Identify key aspects of the concept of advanced practitioners that need to be clarified to make an informed decision on the role
Kenichiro Yagi, Chief Veterinary Nursing Officer - Veterinary Emergency Group

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