Portfolio Events

Practice Sale Prices have changed Private Buyers can compete

Oct 16, 2024
Business & Practice Operations

This course will alert attendees that veterinary practice sale prices are going down and changing structure. We will discuss why sale prices are going down and why some practices are not saleable in the current market. We will discuss how sale prices are determined and what effects that valuation. We will discuss the difference between the fair market value (FMV) and an investment value. Prices are affected by the buyer’s needs and the changing market and the cost of capital.

1.       What knowledge will an attendee gain from this program?

a.       Attendees will learn the current practice sales market is changing daily with the changing demand from corporate buyers.

b.       Attendees will learn the principles of calculating a FMV for a practice sale price and the unpredictability of an investment value price made by a corporate buyer.

c.       Attendees will learn that more practices are on the market due to the veterinarian shortage. 

2.       What might they share with their fellow licensees about this program?

a.       Attendees should share corporate practice demand and purchase prices are down.

b.       More practices are listed for sale due to the veterinary shortage.

c.       More private sales are closing, due to less corporate demand.

  • Learn how the market changes (demand decreases) with increase in interest rates, and concern for economy changes. Tight equity markets, lowers sale prices.
Karl Salzsieder, DVM, JD, CVA - Total Practice Solutions, NW
Rex Salzsieder, CVA, Real Estate Broker, CVPM - Total Practice Solutions, NW

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