Portfolio Events

Module 30 (USDA) - The Role of Veterinarians in Honey Bee Health

Oct 19, 2023
USDA National Veterinary Accreditation

This module provides accredited veterinarians with basic knowledge of beekeeping, honey bee 
biology, and relevant honey bee diseases and conditions. The module focuses on the role of 
veterinarians related to antimicrobial use in honey bees and the issuance of prescriptions and 
Veterinary Feed Directives. Valuable services veterinarians can provide to beekeepers, such as 
assisting hobbyist beekeepers with plans for parasite management or assisting commercial
beekeepers with the development of protocols to be followed by beekeeping staff for disease 
detection and control are reviewed. 

Greg Ramos, District Epidemiologist - Usda Aphis Veterinary Services

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